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The school segment is the newest but a popular and flourishing entry into the education industry of India. With increased awareness and affordability amongst parents, the demand of good schools is on a steep rise. The new-age parents acknowledge the rise in competition in education and that prompts them to plan their child’s future from early years on. There is also a growing global agreement that school education is vital to a country's sound education system.


Child and play are like two miscible liquids and the fact that nobody ever teaches a child to play yet children play and learn many aspects...


Parenthood is a bond of affection and unconditional love that strengthens with involvement of the parents in their child’s development...


We strategically focus on training to optimize the potentials, performance and perseverance of our people to deliver quality...

Introducing the hub of Education And Learing Inn

About B.D World School


Some Fun Facts

Kids are introduced to group reading, writing, lays, singing, yoga sessions, puppets, poems, rhyming, dance classes and more .

Our School Program